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Skylar Kinnie

A person who displays any of the following traits:
1. Has a savior complex: Butts into other people's plotlines, shit like that
2. Is always depressed uwuwuwuwuwu, makes the atmosphere all sad during fun sessions and breakdowns 24/7
3. Make their character overly complicated and clash with the story plot
4. Tells characters other characters' business and eavesdrops

5. Is 4'8 and basically a loli
6. Badly written: just stacked trauma on her character
7. Doesn't put any effort into previous lesbian ship then pushes straight ships
8. Stutters all the time
9. Is a mary sue
10. Has no character development

11. Can't separate fiction and reality

12. acts 5 years old
13. most likely a misogynist
14. is a self insert
15. creator assumes everyone simps for her
16. Creator who simps for abusive self insert's father
17. breaks the rules of rp
18. Creator traced art and continued doing it after being warned

Man you're such a Skylar kinnie

by AzureA July 21, 2021