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Slice Up

A polite way of saying "Shut the fuck up"

Person 1: "haha you just got beat 10-0 at FIFA"

Person 2: "Slice up"

by PDastad February 25, 2011

7👍 2👎

Sliced up

Getting really high. Derived from slice, meaning an eighth of an ounce of marijuana.

After work, Patrick and Nate got sliced up with that chick from Whole Foods.

by RamIDT September 20, 2013

15👍 3👎

Warm up slice

A slice of pizza eaten while waiting for a full pie to be cooked.

Sal: I'm here to pick up two large pies and a small antipast

Vinny: Five more minutes

Sal: OK, give me a warm up slice while I wait.

by nyteacher February 2, 2011

13👍 1👎