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Slide Whistle

A slide whistle is a blowjob, specifically a blowjob given while manipulating the balls to increase pleasure. This is analogous to using a slide whistle where the person blowing the slide whistle will pull on the slide to change the tone of the instrument.

Nate: I offered the guy next to me a slide whistle so he would watch my stuff when I went to the bathroom.

by TesticularCancer November 24, 2014

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rusty slide-whistle

Basically the gender reverse of the rusty trombone. That said, details matter. As the gentleman lovingly rims the fair maiden, he rubs his index finger along the moistened edges of her (insert preferred term) for her comfort. Next, slowly insert said finger in the aforementioned, while lovingly whistling the tune of her choice, hence creating a chorus of musical pleasure.

Ah girl, my man played me "patience" on the rusty slide-whistle last night, Guns-n-Roses never sounded of felt so good.

by lavoinha August 26, 2006

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Slide Whistle Purgatory

A place between heaven and hell where the great musicians of a given time period go when they die, where they are sentenced to an eternity of playing the slide whistle in grimey underground clubs.

-Dude, I wonder if Kurt Cobain is in Slide Whistle Purgatory

-Dude I was at this underground club and I could've sworn Kurt Cobain was there in slide whistle purgatory

by word=word April 2, 2010

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Baritone Slide-Whistle

Musical term referring to the sound produced by the escaping of air caused by repeated extraction and insertion of a well lubricated penis into and out of a male's rectum. See also: skin flute

"do any of you play any instruments?"
"Mork and I have been know to jam out together on the skin flute and baritone slide-whistle"

by nathan mork March 8, 2007

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Costa Rican Slide Whistle

When someone gets down on their knees with their face pressed against the floor, uses both hands to spread their butt cheeks and farts while someone has anal sex with them causing the air to escape out of their anus and around the penis of the penetrator causing a change in tone of the escaping flatulence the deeper the individual is penetrated.

This stupid Hoopajoop loves going to Taco Bell on his first date so he can play the Costa Rican Slide Whistle later that evening when his date takes advantage of him.

by DonkeyPuncher911 November 21, 2024

Sylvester slide whistle

A term used for going to the bathroom

I need to go and take a Sylvester slide whistle."

by Mr Kidding March 8, 2024

Rusty Slide Whistle

The Rusty Slide whistle begins with a woman furiously blowing into their male counterparts asshole, while simultaneously tugging his johnson. This act replicates the steps required to play the slide whistle, thus warranting the name.

"Yo, last night Justine busted out the rusty slide whistle, we made some sweet music"

by Matthew Mcconaughey's peepee November 29, 2019