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smarticle particles

The particles that make someone smart.

Did you know Sam made honor role?
Wow, she must have smarticle particles.

by llamaduckisasillygame February 28, 2013

46👍 2👎

Smarticle Particles

Particles that make you smart

I'm a genius, I got smarticle particles!

by Jezij August 27, 2018

Smarticle Particles

A phrase meaning that someone has finally come to a realisation to something, or has figured something out. Usually used sarcastically. This one's for you Lucy >..<

"No problemo ese."
"problemo ese?"
"No problem :P"
"Smarticle Particles >..<"

by HelloLucy! October 29, 2011

14👍 19👎

Smarticle Particle

Someone who is smarter than most other people

Joe: Do you think you passed the test?
Aubrey: I copied off Dave and he's a smarticle particle

by T-Rex 321 December 19, 2016

1👍 1👎