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Smeagomodo Deek

Smeagomodo Deek is a creature I created, it is a combination of Smeagol from Lord Of The Rings, Quasimodo from the Hunch Back of Natre Dame and Steve Shives wearing a blue Star Trek uniform.

Steve Shives is a basement dwelling weirdo who talks to his mop, his mop bucket and a possible sex plushy called Stuffy, he has lips that look like a puckered cows anus and his lips are disgustingly moist. Steve Shives sucks up to feminists whenever possible, he sucks up to the LGBT community, BLM, Antifa and he is an Islamophile, he sucks up to Islamic people so he can virtue signal that he's one of the "good guys".

Geez, Smeagomodo Deek looks like a fucking freak, does that Star Trek badge have a penis instead of a star with an elongated top spike?

by DeekGeekMcDeek March 6, 2018

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