The cleaning product and protection goggles located in aisle 679 at Coles supermarket in mandrah forum. It is used to deep clean the tough stains and mole marks.
Did u just shit the bed, no problems Fred
Did u do dirty marks and stains, no problem Wayne, luckily I've got 2 smudgarieguards in the boot of my car,hahaha haha fancy that. Wow Ted thanks for the smudgarieguards you just saved my life for ever and I love dick now. if I hadn't met smudgarieguards my dancing doo doo and mol wouldnt be a b by now! The protection goggles were amazing and $5000 for spectacles is a good bargain, I say I just saved a lot of money on this new amazing invention of leigh. Pop a smudgarieguard and bam your a cool kid now,