Originally inspired by "James Bond" and "Cuming" (James Bond being sneaky and Cumming for...cumming!) The two together makes "Sneak n Cum Agents"
An organization/agency made by Menohh and Madcapgalaxy and TwentyTenor2 (Xbox live)
A group of people that try to be sneaky in EVERYTHING they do, or somebody massively perverted.
The members of this Organization/Agency are the stealthiest, most random, perverted agents you will ever find...in all the land
All sneak n cum agents must have the ability to run at high velocity and maintain a boner at the same time, You cannot be a Sneak n Cum agent without being perverted.
*Guy randomly streaks through a soccer field*
Meno: Dude! That guy is a Sneak n Cum Agent!
Tenor: I know!
*Guy skydiving naked*
Meno: He's a sneak n cum agent...
Tenor: I know!
*Guy sneaks around corner and passes heavy defence of a high security airport*
Meno: Did you just see that? That guy is a Sneak n Cum agent...
Tenor: I know!
*Meno holds an extremely hard boner looking at a hexy babe while running at high velocity*
Meno: I'm such a Sneak n Cum Agent...
Tenor: I know!
*Madcap finds his dads old SnCA Acedemy year book in his closet*
Madcap:M...M..My.....DADDY was uh...SNEAK N CUM AGENT...
"Sneak n Cum Agent(s)"
38👍 12👎