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Snow Patrol

Brilliant band who were formed in Dundee, Scotland(at uni) and whose members live in Glasgow but are from (all of them not just Gary) N.Ireland. And yes they are better than Coldplay. And no they are not new. Final Straw is their third album.

'Run' smacks cream crackers out of 'Yellow', on any day of the week.

by outlawstar October 8, 2004

441๐Ÿ‘ 164๐Ÿ‘Ž

Snow Patrol

An extremely good band. Many songs often played in slow motion, this band is the freaking greatest ever.

I went to a Snow Patrol concert and when i was pushed during the mosh it took me 20 min to hit the ground.

by SNOWMANJEW December 10, 2004

269๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž

Snow Patrol

A particularly inactive sexual partner. "If I lay here....If I just laaaaay here...."

"Man, I finally slept with Amber last night. So disappointed....She's a total Snow Patrol".

by Uncle Rae Rae July 30, 2010

50๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Snow Patrol

A Scottish band who released two brilliant albums under Jeepster records in 1998 ("Songs For Polarbears") and 2001 ("When It's all Over We Still Have to Clear Up") but since then has gone downhill and changed their style to appeal to the mainstream. 2003's "Final Straw" was probably their last decent album. Best songs include "Starfighter Pilot", "Little Hide", "Sticky Teenage Twin", "Raze the City", "Making Enemies", "Last Ever Lone Gunman" and, of course, "An Olive Grove Facing the Sea".

Person A: Hey, what's your favourite Snow Patrol song?
Person B: An Olive Grove Facing the Sea.
Person A: Huh?! I've never heard of that!
Person B: Look it up!

by partycrasher441 June 28, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Snow Patrol

When a park ranger finds the body from an avalanche and uses it for sexual gratification.

Had a proper "snow patrol" last night, can't believe the amount of snow I had to dig through.

by Mr. Rogers's snow man August 12, 2022

Snow Patrol

The shittest band in the history of the world who got famous by playing the shittiest 3 chord progressions ever written.

If you listen to Snow Patrol you are a douche.

by Necromancer666 March 18, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

snow patrol

a BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT indie band, scottish apart from Gary Lightbody, front man, who is from Northern Ireland.

'Light up, light up, as if yooouu haaave a choice...'

by Perri January 27, 2005

142๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž