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Social justice dilemma

A situation where you make mistake related to social justice, which makes another person uncomfortable. You would like to apologize for it, but you feel like you can't because the individual would view you as being privileged and inconsiderate. The individual will likely not even hear you out or give you a chance to redeem yourself, because of their view of you being biased and unwilling to talk to people who they think are like that, even if those people are not actually that way at all. As result, you are never able to apologize, which causes you to have to carry some regret from the incident around with you for a long time.

I once liked a girl. I had a crush on her while I was in high school, but never had the guts to talk to her. A year or two after I graduated high school, I decided to try to at least be friends with her and tried to find her. I eventually found her and attempted to talk to her, but it came it all wrong because I never really thought about what I should say to her when I ran into her, which because she was a girl made it a difficult situation. I had unintentionally embarrassed her, but because of gender inequality it may never be possible to apologize to her, which makes this situation like a social justice dilemma. I still lug the regret of happened because of it today.

by Vanguard 1998 September 8, 2020