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One of who finds enormous satisfaction in excreting the contents of their bowels into their under-garments. Typically, this is done in the vicinity of the public. Each volume of personal waste often has the soiler assume a feigned apologetic air.

"Oh for God sake, busy-bowels is at it again. Filthy little soiler" - Soiliceli: A Mother's Horror Story.

"With each expulsion, the soiler's face twisted and contorted as he endured the enormous muscular strain. Following the final copious release, his undergarments were found to be fully saturated with his organic waste. Traditionally, the final rectal stentorian roar is the most significant - marking the end of another instance of this archaic and obscure tradition." - David Suzuki, The Nature of Stool

by Pierre March 3, 2005

24๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who has just soiled their underwear. This term will usually replace their name for many years after.

Me: Soiler, do you remember when you crapped yourself?

Soiler: ................

by Danny McD-Thomas December 11, 2004

10๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) An unclean individual who pollutes his immediate environment and those around him.

2) A bad influence

3) A rich Norweigan

"Peg, that girl you got off with last night was such a soiler!"

by James January 30, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

panty soiler

Low down dirty slang term for a woman.

The boy's night out was fun until those panty soilers kept begging us to buy them drinks.

by earlsgarage August 13, 2005

25๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

soiler alert

n. secret notification, usually from one nurse to another, that a patient has been incontinent of feces or urine; a signal used by care staff who wish to avoid the clean-up or who wish to save the patient's dignity by removing visitors from the room.

This is a funny time for emergency blood work. And what the heck is a serum reiff-trenchel osmolality?

Don't be a dweeb doctor. That was just a soiler alert.

by gnostic1 April 3, 2011

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Soiler Alert

The act of letting people around you know that you are about to shit your pants.

Hey guys, Major soiler alert coming!

by Dillon Conner May 22, 2011

Edmonton Soiler

A Canadian Sex Act involving excessive all night drinking coupled with random drug use, loss of motor functions, faded dim memories, The replacements, sloppy blacked out unprotected sex with half cut sexy-ist swine and an apology note explaining the missing liquor/cheese and/or urine stained mattress in the morning. Also known as getting City Street'd by locals.

Calgarian How I Met Your Mother Fan: "Yo bro, someone i finally found a definition for the Edmonton Soiler. What lugsers, eh."
Douchebagel: "Bout damn time. UP YERS EDMONTON."


Broad: "A damn someone just left one hell of a Edmonton Soiler for me to clean up."

by Chez Fonzerelli February 9, 2011

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