Source Code

Solomon Grundy

Hairy, squat, laconic Nemesis of Superman

"Grundy hate Superman. Grundy want smash Superman. Grundy want pants, too."

by Tim February 7, 2004

29👍 8👎

Solomon Grundy

A man who wants some pants.

"Solomon Grundy want pants, too"

by Pr0ph3t November 20, 2003

58👍 19👎

solomon grundy

When you double fist a female, one in ass one in vagina. You left her into the air and shake her violently. Extra points if you tell a Solomon Grundy quote.
"Solomon Grundy want oral, too!"

She was so light, I gave her a Solomon Grundy over my head! Solomon Grundy smash Batgirl

by MrDun June 12, 2015

5👍 2👎