Saturday morning cartoon based on the Sonic the Hedgehog videogame franchise. It debuted in 1993, and was a cancelled a year later. While it starred SEGA's mascot, it was nothing like the games which it was based on, adding a bunch of new characters like Princess Sally and Bunnie Rabbot. Retarded furries immediately jizzed their pants over the show.
It spawned an idiotic fanbase of basement-dwelling losers in their 30s who constantly whine about how the show didn't deserve to be cancelled and to this day, believe that it will one day be renewed, despite the fact that it was cancelled IN 1994, and absolutely NONE of the characters from SatAM have ever appeared in a Sonic game.
Its retarded fanbase often proclaims that the series is 'dark' and features 'intelligent writing' The pilot episode alone features Sonic using annoying buzzwords like 'mondo' and 'totally' in almost every sentence. He even breaks out an electric guitar and begins to wail on it for no apparent reason.
Sonic the Hedgehog SatAM
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