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A very pretty and talented boy who can sing rap and dance. Is very tall he is 1.85 cm And can show you that even tho your tall doesn't mean your good and sports and I live by that . Is the cutest bunny ever will treat you like a man his smile can make your heart melt and has the best falsetto you can ever hear. The leader of txt (Tommorow X Together) that is a kpop group , ^stream run away^ .

Friend: who’s soobin?

Me: oh don’t even get me started..

by Breadbinss on ig πŸ’“ January 16, 2020

334πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The leader of South Korean boy group, Tomorrow by Together, (TxT), and one of the five most precious human beings alive. He is a 1.83 cm, cuddly bunny boi, who can sing, rap, dance, and do pretty much everything else other than playing sports. He used to be in a relationship with bread, but after 459 days, he broke up with her for ice cream. He is literally one of the most relatable idols, and should literally replace every math teacher ever! And for the TxT fans out there, healssy, experienceu, I hate studying, and my home. (If you know, you know. XD)

Friend: I hate Soobin
Me: Hold my bread

by Hobi's Spriteu July 29, 2020

88πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


best man in the world

β€œwow i love soobin!”
β€œyeah so do i!!”

by gr4v3y4rd December 23, 2020


Soobin makes the world beautiful. An angel sent from above, the epitome of love and comfort, the best boyfriend material, the 4TH GEN BEST LEADER, and the NATION'S HOME. Everyone is in love with him. No one can hate him because he IS that precious. He has a voice that sounds like the whisper of a GOD and skills that are unmatched.

Beomgyu : Soobin gives the same warmth as my mom.

"No soobin today... day = ruined."

Taehyun : Best leader!

"Soobin is the definition of ethereal."

"Whoa, that friend is really handsome."

by nation's home November 18, 2020

37πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


soobin is a guy who is :

loves his family
has an odd sense of humor
a homebody


chaotic when he warms up to you

a walking green flag in general

girl1: i have a crush on this guy
girl2: who is he? whats he like?
girl1: his name is ****, hes really soobin
girl2: ooh! tell me more tell me more 🀭

by ilovesoob July 23, 2023


The girl that is always chill, free going, beautiful, and artistic. And is friends with the first girl you like. Also, she is pretty short, but when you look at her, your eyes change. When she laughs, your life is complete. When she touches you, your skin curls. And most important when she looks at you, with the sparkle in her eyes, the smile on her face, all a person can think is I love you. But do you love me back? But you don't ask that because you already know the answer . . . no.

Honestly, I am having second thoughts about Rachel, I think I like Soobin more

by Expired Cheese Sauce December 19, 2018

28πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


the hottest daddy in the world

person 1: woah who is that hottie
person 2: oh thats choi soobin from txt

by gamerboy_dragonking69 December 2, 2022