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South High School

Dumb ass white privileged and white dominated school. Every other race gets treated like shit. Filled with crackheads who uses violence to solve problems. There’s also a shit ton of dumb bitches that stand in the middle of the hallway for no fucking reason. In other words, this school sucks dick.

South High School sucks dick.

by Blueberriesarenasty November 8, 2019

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

South High School

Dumb ass white dominated and white privileged school. Every other race gets treated like shit. Tons of crackheads who do crazy shit and use violence to solve problems. Also filled with dumb butches who stand in the middle of the hallway for no fucking reason. In other words, this school sucks dick.

South High School sucks ass.

by Blueberriesarenasty November 8, 2019

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Maine South High School

A school in Park Ridge IL where girls Freshman-Senior are always drinking white claws and doing it raw

Ethan: Did you see that drunk girl walking around?

Anthony: She must go to Maine South High School!

by Not_A_Joke May 8, 2021

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Elkhorn South High School

A school where the administration illegally searches their students and does everything in their power to make certain students school life miserable.

β€œLmfao you go to Elkhorn South High School?” β€œYeah Kalvoda harasses and searches me for no reason.”

by tittyfucker420 May 12, 2020

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Pueblo South High School

A high school in Pueblo, Colorado known for having the most teen bodybuilders per capita. Besides eating Chipotle (at least 3 times a week), working out (only upper body), and partying on the weekends, South kids really don't do a whole lot. You can find the halls packed with tools flexing and taking selfies ("I'm Zyzzz Brah!"), hoes talking about yoga pants, and ratchets caking on lip balm. One thing is for sure, if you go anywhere near this school, make sure to have a gym membership, protein shake, Starbucks coffee, and or iphone. Warning: It is always bulking season, no legs November, and arm day.

"Hey brah looks like you're walking on stilts!" "Sorry broseph, I go to Pueblo South High School."

by beerbrah November 8, 2013

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westerville south high school

The school that you will search on YouTube looking for fight videos with the the only good basketball team in central Ohio. Bomb threats happen basically every month! Look forward to trying to get an education but miserably failing. Also while being forced to walk in halls while a fight or rap battle occurs. Teachers really don't care what happens except when their pay check comes.

"Oh man bruh this school is almost as bad as Westerville South High School"

by BWorks February 19, 2016

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Maine South High School

A High School in Park Ridge, IL. Most known for their intense drug use and distribution on school grounds. Seniors there beat up Freshman in the woods nearby. They also have a good football team but who really cares about that.

Ryan: Hey, wanna hang out?
Any sensible girl: No! You go to Maine South High School

by Ginger Sneaker Head November 23, 2021