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south hill

1)A small town in Virginia close to the border of North Carolina.

2) The Devil's Ultimately Torturing center, where he can bore people to death while still living. See also shithole

1) Person 1: Wow, what do you want to do today, buddy?
Person 2: Um... their is the slightest possibility of doing something?
Person 1: Oh yeah, that's right. We live in South Hill.

2)Devil: So what should we do to torture our people today, minion?
Minion: Send them to South Hill?
Devil: Nah, they haven't been that bad yet...

by Abe K July 6, 2006

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South Hill

The intersection of I-85 and I-58. Town includes a movie theater. The best movie theater on the planet. Also includes:

Circle Drive

Activities include;
Visiting Denny's
Visiting Hole
Visiting Pool
Not Visiting Circle Drive

Want to go to South Hill this weekend dude?
Only if we go to South Hill Cinemas and not Circle Drive.

by thejew72 October 27, 2007

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South Hill

The nomenclature given for the neighborhoods on the south side of Spokane, WA. "Lower" and "Upper" South Hill essentially differ between people living north of Regal St. (lower) and people living south of Regal St. (upper). Home to both upscale plots and middle-class suburbs.

"They're putting a new Little Caesars on the South Hill, again."

by Jason G. June 7, 2005

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South Hills

The wealthiest neighborhood in all of West Virginia per capital. A very nice area in the hills overlooking both Charleston and South Charleston. People here live in a bubble, without any bit of reality that the state they live in is poverty ridden let alone the city below them. People here act proud to be 'West Virginian' but are clueless on how bad this state actually is. They live in their homes overlooking the city and just leave whenever, mostly to their second homes in Florida. People in South Hills have no reality of how economically bad West Virginia as a whole is, most aren't even from here, just living the high life with low cost of living and only living here a fraction of the year for tax purposes. It's even worse in the neighborhoods Quail Creek and Fox Chase, lavish hotel sized mansions, only to go through an extremely low income area until they re enter the bubble.

South Hills: rich technical hillbillies

by ;l asdfl May 12, 2020

South Hills

The suburbs of pittsburgh south of Mount Washington. This area varies from rich bubbles to ghettos. The South Hills have hosted many celebrities and athletes. Plus it has frickin mineos twice(best pizza ever).

Da South Hills is so boring. Let's drive dahn to the sahside.

by coryclifford August 19, 2006

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South hills High school


south hills high school is hell

by steezyscoops September 1, 2020

South Woodland Hills

One of the quieter, more peaceful, original villages of Kingwood, TX.

I moved to Kingwood and we found our own little castle in South Woodland Hills.

by Felcherfriend January 17, 2019

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