A one time mispronouncination of a now defunct Rochester New York home store.
- I went over to Space Chicken to get some plywood and nails.
- Where???
- Chase Pitkin.
- Dumb Look
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Not so well know tribe of space chickkens not well know any way but definatly not for their intelligence as they r quite stupid. All their attempts of world domination have failed normally as they have gotton the wrong plannet or foggot what dommination was and went to have a tea break but then fogor what that was to so sat around for 200 years then decding to look up world domination on urbandictionary but then got carried away looking up rude words untill their mums came home and where severly spanked!
The Emperor Of The Evil Meat Eating Space Chicken Wearing Sexy Y Fronts wants to talk about world domination, and ask how to use the bog again!
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Space Chicken -- In the space industry, when multiple teams have to deliver products that hook up together. Everyone is late, but no one admits it waiting for one of the other teams do flinch and take the blame.
Yododyne was taking late on their Oscillator Overthruster development, but suspected that the Flux Capacitor team was also behind schedule, so they said nothing at the meeting with John Bigboote engaging them in a game of Space Chicken!