A condition that effects female astronauts upon entering the upper stratosphere. Under normal circumstances the affliction would be considered a run of the mill yeast infection. A yeast infection is caused by Candida albicans and other bacteria native to a woman's crotch. When these bacteria become too numerous, a vagina will emit foul odors and secretions. The Causes can be STDs, medication, clothing, diet, hormones or injury. In the case of female astronauts it is caused by hygiene and decreased atmospheric pressure. These factors contribute to increased pH and moisture, allowing bacterial colonies to multiply.
When female astronauts began shuttle missions they noticed increased discomfort in the downstairs of their space suit. Male astronauts, whose musky ball stank also did not go unnoticed, began to complain of a new smell. They likened the smell to a bottle of fish oil left ajar. The men eventually figured it out and coined the term Space Poon. So, If you are adapt at Asian cookery, or are at the grocery store, open a bottle of fish oil, take whiff and it will be just like being on the space station.
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