A futuristic alternate version of "word", defined in the "Goolien" episode of Weebl and Bob (www.goovies.co.uk/goolien.html).
Like "word", it signifies agreement, acknowledgement or affirmation, although it is most often used in jest in order to parody the overuse of "word" and to reference Weebl and Bob.
"You are so out of date! Nobody says "word" anymore. This is the future!"
"Oh. What do we say now?"
"Space word!"
when you space out the letters of a word to attempt to be funny when you're not
unfunny man: bro thats g a y
unhumor man: b r o s p a c e d w o r d s a r e s o f u n n y a n d o r i g i n a l
juice wrld fan: d e p r e s s e d
humor man: shut up
spaced words.
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