Spanish is not a race but an identity. A person from Spain is a "Spaniard" Anybody speaking Spanish and born in any Latin-American country is considered Hispanic or Latin "Hispano or Latino". Since there are many Latin-American countries speaking Spanish, you identify them by their nationality (Argentineans, Colombians, Dominicans, Mexican, Peruvians, Uruguayans, etc). Now, every Latin -American country has its own way to speak or slang that characterizes it. However, there is a formal Spanish spoken in educated levels. For instances, on TV news or respectful newspapers, international meetings or conferences, formal Spanish is spoken and therefore everyone understands.
Mexican.- que ondas?
Argentinean.- Che, que hacés?
Colombian.- que hubo?
Dominican.- dime haber?
Peruvian.- como estas?
Proper Spanish.- Como esta usted?
383👍 117👎
1 Person from Spain
2 Language spoken in Spain. But also in other countries such as Mexico or Puerto Rico
3 Fourth most spoken language (between 420-425 milion people) after chinese, english and hindi.
4 The language which has the funny letter " ñ "
Andy: hey look! that spanish guy...isn't he friendly?
Cazz: yeap, but he isn't spanish..
Andy: but he speaks spanish!
Cazz: so what? he's from Mexico!
797👍 290👎
1-Spanish or Castilian is an Iberian Romantic language spoken by about 352 million people. It is considered the third or fourth most spoken language in the world. The Spanish language comes from what is known as “Vulgar Latin”; containing some influences from Celtiberian, Arabic and Basque. Miguel de Cervantes is considered to be the “Shakespeare” of the Spanish language.
2-People from Spain (Spaniards); they are the descendants Celtiberians, Visigoths and Latins.
*note: People usually tend to refer to Hispanic, Spanish and Latino to anyone who comes from the Iberian Peninsula or Latin-American, however this are bad definitions since:
1 Only certain countries in South America, mostly Argentina can claim Spanish ancestry and only the “upper class” of the other Latin-American countries can claim Spanish ancestry.
2 People from Brazil are not Spanish; they were conquered by the Portuguese but they don’t have Portuguese ancestry either.
3 Latino; Latin should only be apply to any of the Euro-Latin countries since they have real Latin ancestry, most people in Latin America have either African ancestry of Amerindian ancestry.
4 There are many different styles to speak Spanish, the “normal” or standard Spanish is the one who uses “tu” or “usted”, the one who uses the “voceo” is also valid and spoken mostly in Spain but some variations of the “voceo” are spoken in regions like Central America or Argentina.
-Que va?
Como estas? Bien, Bien
-Vos habablais el Castellano?
Gusto en conoserlo, os vemos pronto.
586👍 286👎
sexy language spoken in spain and latin america
"pusieron"(gwan just say it) means "they put" in spanish ha ha
472👍 264👎
the fourth most spoken language on Earth (after body, Chinese, and what's-it-called). Because of its high saturation of words and numerous associations to the number 43, atomic number of technetium, it is considered to be a radioactive language, which decays by alpha-particle emission to Latin.
Our map was in Spanish a few minutes ago. Now it's all in Latin, and it glows too.
555👍 372👎