Source Code


When you accidently say the wrong word, mispronounce a word, or call your girlfriend by a different name than her own.

"Hey helen.... I mean Susan, uh oh!"
"Oh Helen it feels so good... , oh shit ahh my nuts! I mean Susan... honestly! HEY HEY"

by Ric March 28, 2004

33👍 7👎


A spoken typo.

That was grabuolus. I meant to say great but change my mind and tried to say fabulous. Or looking at the carrots I say pass the beans by mistake. Woops sorry about the speako.

by Flee not flea October 11, 2010


Words coming out wrong like a typo.

Tommy "I didn't mean that; it was a speako.

by Sha Shay February 21, 2016


When you are speaking to your phone and it transcribes the wrong word. It's a problem with voice transcription or speech-to-text apps.

"Hi Mom, how did you fuck last night?"
"Oh shit that was a speako, I said 'sleep'!"

by __apf__ January 14, 2018


When you use speech to text that doesn't quite get it right, causing you to send incorrect words in a text or email or posting.

The following speakos were created when I first attempted to create the above definition: When you use speech to test that doesn't quite get it right comma causing for to send incorrect words in a test or email posting period

by Ivegotthemusicinme September 27, 2019


A speako is kind of like a typo: you say the wrong thing by accident.

Kate: Brandon snapped my gender bracelet!
Lizzy: Don't you mean sex bracelet?
Kate: Oops, speako.

by Rebecca Lyall April 16, 2005

14👍 4👎


when you make a typo while speaking

oopsie made a speako, i meant wingardium leviosa, not wingardium laviosa

by chai patti September 28, 2021