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St. Gertrude's

An all-girls, Catholic high school in Richmond. Here, young ladies are able to be successful academically, artistically, and athletically without their mommies and daddies having to pay an insane amount of money for a wonderful education. Many of these “dirty Gerties”, a name which used to be offensive but now is embraced by the entire student community, live the good life in high school, especially when attending parties, where they always making sure that their presence is well known. They can drink any other girl under the table, including the young men.. er women? of Saint Catherine’s.
Their uniforms consist of a green, plaid skirt, brown tie shoes, and a white Oxford blouse. These simple uniforms are a favorite among all men, except those at Saint Christopher’s due to their homosexual nature and their repulsive attraction to the fugly Saint Catherine’s girls.
Their brother school down the street, Benedictine, is an all boys military school that specializes in dominating over any other school, especially when it comes to basketball.

Dirty Gertie #1: What if you went to Saint Catherine’s?
Dirty Gertie #2: I’d hang myself.

Saint Catherine’s Girl #1: OMG my daddy just like TOTALLY bought me this bitchin’ new car that I don’t need but had to have, another North Face, and Kate Spade. Too bad he’s bangin’ my boyfriend from Saint Chris…
Saint Catherine’s Girl #2: Ya too bad… O well! Let’s go pop a couple Aderol, suck down as much Starbucks and cock as we can, and see if we can get any bigger egos to compensate for the lack of what we can offer to the world. Want to?
Saint Catherine’s Girl #3: Screw that! I’m up for a party where we can all get real drunk off of two beers or a glass of wine
Saint Catherine’s Girl #1: OMG that’ll like TOTALLY cheer me up. Maybe if we’re lucky, some guy will get hammered enough to hook up with us or maybe we can get like a roofie and pretend we don’t remember.
Saint Catherine’s Girl #2: That’s be SO awesome. Or better yet, why don’t we just go dome on the tennis court like we usually do?
Saint Catherine’s Girl #3: Ummm… we have to wait on that... My dad and my boyfriend are out there right now.

by Dirty Gertie January 25, 2005

283👍 140👎

St. Gertrude's

better than st catherines... PERIOD.

.. i dont need an example.. just ask everyone

by saints beat it January 26, 2005

96👍 75👎

St. Gertrude's

Why doesn't everyone just shut up and stop insulting each other. Who cares who is prettier if you are all bitches. Try to be nice for once and get along.

Everyone is trying to make their school look better but just ends up looking more stupid.

by fedupwiththis February 1, 2005

47👍 35👎

St. Gertrude's

The hottest girls in plaid skirts and white blouses in all of Virginia.They have good "values" and know exactly how to have fun. They throw the best parties and always get the guys that St. Catherine's girls wish they had. Guys from BHS, St Chris, Colleigate, Woodberry, and Trinity all love gerties and know that they are the coolest girls in VA.

Gerties have those cute little plaid skirts!

They know how to control themselves, unlike other girls in Richmond

by Gertiiie January 25, 2005

74👍 68👎

St. Gertrude's

I'm sorry, but do yall really care that much about attacking other schools. Not to be hypocritical, but everyone on this site needs to get a life. I'm sick of people writing mean stuff about each others school when they dont even know what they are talking ab.

Hi i go to (Blank) and i have no life because i sit on urban dictionary and make up mean defintions about rival schools.
It's only highschool... please grow up!

by Sick of this at St. Cat's February 4, 2005

45👍 40👎

St. Gertrude's

You are all idiots. Saint Gertrude's are rich girls. St. Catherine's are richer girls. There's a select few from each that aren't fad following, plastic carrying, Lexus driving, pompous, drunk sluts. But, all of them are bitches, including me. It's called being female.
So St. Cat's girls have a few more credit cards than Gerties and a few look a little emaciated, get over it.
If any one sucks it's the look-a-like St. Chris boys with flipped collar polo shirts and wings and the sports addicted idiots that go to Benedictine.
And everyone at Collegiate is so full of money they're vomiting up 100 dollar bills. It happens.

So cheers to this elite group of Richmond private schools that the middle class public school kids want to kick the crap out of.

Can't we all just get the hell over it?

by Anonymously pissed off February 3, 2005

51👍 55👎

St. Gertrude's

A great school which is constently having to compete with the "smart young ladies" at collegiate and st catherines. Both schools spend their time dissing "dirty gerties" simply because of their extreme jealousy. They ramble on about us getting more ass than them and getting it from their guys, which allows them to write about it on a website just to totally embarass themselves. They think that going to our school is an insult, think again.. its an honor to be able to do what we can do.. party harder than any other girls in RIC.

St cats: hey, wats up for tonight?
st cats 2: im not sure.. im thinkin about staying home but my daddy might take me car shopping..
st cats: man.. i thought u and i were goin to get together and cry ourselves to sleep tonight be everyone at our school sux
collegiate girl: o what. crying?... bc both of our schools suck?! im in!

by saints beat it January 29, 2005

41👍 49👎