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St. Stephens and St. Agnes

A rletively chill IAC school. Unlike Prep (a bunch of guido fucks), Landon (faggots), EHS (douche bags who don't have cars or loving parents. party at chicken out guys!), Bullis (the epitome of maryland trash, this school should be in south jersey), and stalbans (gay douche bags. tim russerts kid goes there, thats says enought, those fucks). The Saints excell at drinking and girls sports. The main difference between SSSAS and the other IAC schools is that altough we can all get into good colleges based on our high schools, Saints aren't faggots. And TC people are poor, so they don't get to have an opinion about our school, they can only get ready for their next class in gas pumping or minimum wage job working 101. those proletariat fucks.

St. Stephens and St. Agnes kids are chill, unlike the rest of the IAC which makes me want to tightly grasp the soap and make sure it doesn't drop.

by rushlimbaugh November 30, 2004

341👍 245👎

St. Stephens & St. Agnes School

A private high school with great academics and athletics. If you live anywhere in AVA you probably should try to go to sssas. Not Episcopal( fucking 60,000 a year to just have someone else raise your kid to be surrounded by douche bags.. Not to mention 0 parties and nice cars EHS. Pretty much the laughing stock of AVA), not Ireton( a "private school" ur better off going to T.C. BI sucks at literally everything.), not T.C.(Broke boy's attend, plus serg...), not Gonzaga(your dick will actually shrink and ur such a faggot), and def not Landon( fucking gross). SSSAS guys and girls are usually very attractive, athletic, wealthy, and smart. There is a reason every other fucking school shows up to our parties. So if u want to pull poon come to SSSAS( if u can get in we dont take a dumbass)

He goes to St. Stephens & St. Agnes School, definitely has a huge cock.

by AVA facts April 9, 2018

21👍 5👎