A liberal arts school also known as STU in Fredericton, NB. Athletics are the heart and soul of this school as they bring in money to pay for the unending debt under the schools name. Specifically the hockey team who gets more attention than anyone/team. A Tim Hortons and Subway fulfill the food options in JDH. In the back corner you can find all the athletes pretending to do homework. The rest of the students do their best to stay away from this area. The classes are easy and the campus has 6 buildings all within 1 minute walking distance. STU encourages people to be whoever they want. You can find people walking around with weird coloured hair and unfashionable clothes on. Everyone is free to give their opinion and do not care if they hurt others feelings. People who graduate from STU are not likely to go anywhere far in life unless they do post grad. The most valuable thing taught at STU is how to use the bussing system and how to respect the native land on which the school resides.
Job interviewer: it says here you went to St. Thomas University. What did you take?
Student: I majored in Irish studies and minored in theatre.
Interviewer: Oh. What did you learn from your time at STU?
Student: I learned how to finger paint, go to my safe space whenever I feel necessary and stand in line at Tim Hortons for 30 minutes!
Interviewer: I see... well perhaps this job isn’t a good fit for you.
Student: I respect your opinion and thank you for your time. Unless you are a conservative. In that case I am sorry for talking to you.