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stabbed in the back

To be betrayed by one's friends

Jim: Joe slept with my girlfriend. You could say I got stabbed in the back

by The Duke of Banterburry December 3, 2015

stabbed in the back

getting screwed from behind

"I was in his office, things got steamy, and then I got stabbed in the back for 2 hours"

by Kakarot73 November 9, 2013

6πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Stabbed me in the back

When you're spooning and the big spoon gets an erection and it stabs you in the back

I was sleeping with my boyfriend and he stabbed me in the back this morning

by swdafgh September 20, 2018

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

stab wound in a gorillas back

A gash that’s so ginormous and hairy only a teenager on benifits would go there.

Hey don, that fat twat had a fuck hole like a stab wound in a gorillas back.

by Ginger Barbarian. December 8, 2017

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Stab in the back

To cause harm knowingly & intentionally to someone like a friend: Usually carried out via

- Betrayals of Trust that was given on previous agreements,

- Deceitful actions or other forms of lies,

- (and) secretly acting in ways that are contradictory to whatever impression you intended to project for friends beforehand.

An example would be something like hypocrisy with friends:

Pretending to see gossip as bad, only to then have the intention of using something against a friend at a later moment.

She promised to keep that secret and I trusted her, but now she used it to make me look bad in front of our friends! What a stab in the back πŸ’”

by Adpocalyptic November 14, 2022

Stab in the back

To cause harm knowingly & intentionally to someone like a friend: Usually carried out via

- Betrayals of Trust that was given on previous agreements,

- Deceitful actions or other forms of lies,

- (and) secretly acting in ways that are contradictory to whatever impression you intended to project for friends beforehand.

An example would be something like hypocrisy with friends:

Where a friend is pretending to see gossip as bad, only to then have intentions of using something against us at a later moment.

She promised to keep that secret and I trusted her, but now she used it to make me look bad in front of our friends! What a stab in the back πŸ’”

by Adpocalyptic November 14, 2022

Stab in the back

To cause harm knowingly & intentionally to someone like a friend: Usually carried out via

- Betrayals of Trust that was given on previous agreements,

- Deceitful actions or other forms of lies,

- (and) secretly acting in ways that are contradictory to whatever impression you intended to project for friends beforehand.

An example would be something like hypocrisy with friends:

Pretending to see gossip as bad, only to then have the intention of using something against a friend at a later moment.

She promised to keep that secret and I trusted her, but now she used it to make me look bad in front of our friends! What a stab in the back πŸ’”

by Adpocalyptic November 14, 2022