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staph infection

Short for staphylococcus, a bacteria which can live harmlessly on skin surfaces however when the skin is broken, staph bacteria can enter the wound causing infection. Causes; Aly G.

There's Staph infection outbreak in southern NY, Bianca has it!

by JimJaydansy November 14, 2007

41👍 12👎

Staph Infection

Staph Infection could cause a mass Staph exodus from the workplace. Usually “patient 0” distributes this disease through mass condescension. Their ability to demotivate staff is unprecedented. The only way to get rid of a staph infection is to highlight their inability to deliver an outcome.

Ronald Maso was telling Tony how trivial his work would be in a condescending way. We could see that this was demotivating and impacting all Staph. Clearly we had a Staph Infection

by Skel July 4, 2024