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Starbucks Bitch

Someone that overcharges, never smiles and hates life. Typically you'll see this female barista in the Queen Anne Starbucks coffee shop ruining people's days.

Did you get your coffee fix yet? I got charged triple for my latte by the Starbucks Bitch again.

by jonnybegood989 November 20, 2009

17👍 18👎

Starbuck Bitch

Usually in the form of a woman or a severe heomosexual, that insists on waking up in the morning throwing on a pair of dirty sweatpants and UGG boots, throwing on there Northface jacket, putting there hair in a ponytail, but pulling strands of hair out to represent that they had a rough night. As you see them they are always accompanied with a Starbucks Coffee and are bitching extremely louding about how rough of a night they had. Although everyone kows she only does it for attention because she is an attention whore

I Cannot fucking stand that stupid starbuck bitch.

by Eric Crenshaw November 17, 2009

62👍 17👎

Basic white Starbucks bitch

Blouse girls in Brimtucky and loves softball, Starbucks, and Lululemon leggings.

Basic white Starbucks bitch is the most basic as it gets.

by Imakebullshit August 4, 2024