Source Code

Starcat's Horde

Well, Starcat's Horde is that place filled with Homophobes, Transphobes, Chinesephobes, Momphobes, Womanphobes, Agephobes, Sexism Leaders, Sexism, Racism, Racists, Forklifts, Train drivers, and Trogolodyes (chinese people). Well, if someone tells you to join Starcat's Horde when you're a girl (specially when under 9 years old) you say yes please! and you will be greeted nicely and fairly. This place is safe from 50 year old men who E-Touch you except for this one guy named "AmIlluminati#9715" You just, stay away from him, he will invite you into his 7 year old "Osu" mansion filled with 9 year old girls who he touches with his pen, if you agree to go with him, you will be a part of it. Never, get close to him. Plus he sucks at tetris so he sucks haha noob.

Knife: Hey, did you join that Starcat's Horde server and go to that one guy's apartment alone at 3AM?

Joe: No, im not Homophobic, Transphobic, Chinesephobic, Momphobic, Womanphobic, Agephobic, Sexism Leader, Sexismst, Racismist, Racism Woman,

by ThePowkerMan September 12, 2021