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A SCatty rAH. Interesting hybrid exhibiting both scat and rah characteristics. Generally female. Notable features include (but not exclusive to): private education, southern English (non) accent (generally from one of the home counties), excessive fake tan, nose stud, bleached blonde hair and the subtle but very real smell of sex. There's a certain irony in the fact that Scahs will often spend vast sums of money in a bid to look like they live below the poverty line.

Trying to picture a Scah? Imagine a cross between Jodie Marsh and Keira Knightley. Or picture, if you will, the lesbian love child of Britney Spears and Joanna Lumley.

by Goose43 March 5, 2010


A thing u say When ur scared

Every time I get scared I go Scah Scah

by sms.spogle February 27, 2022

State Collage Area High School/SCAHS

A place that was built in 1894 and ever since has become better and better since. There is of course still the usual fighting and having sex but that is normal for a high school. What did you expect sticking a bunch of horny teenagers together in a confined space. The normal amount of people will go on to have normal jobs. Around 15% get lower or higher. The college is one of the most high ranking colleges in the country. And a lot of graduates from there get very high paying jobs. The teachers are not 100% the best but most of them are 88%. The students majority refuse to listen and end up distracting the minority who came there to learn. Aside from that the high school is fine really. With the newly surfacing LGBTQQIOA+ community (I use the term surfacing very lightly) the school has been filled with more of them. It is slightly... it is racist, more than a few other schools. But for those who went there to learn and not get distracted by juul or vape or sex or any of the land mines that come with being in high school. They can do whatever they put there mind to as a community

State Collage Area High School/SCAHS - Students Basically the students view of the high school
Student Alpha (First day of school 33.3% of the school) "Man this place sucks ass I hate to be here, I can't wait till school is out"
Student Beta (First day of school also 33.3%) "Ugh man i don't like to be here but might as well make the most of it"
Student Charlie (First day of school also 33.3%) "Sweet back at school, let's GOOOOOOOOO, I don't like it that much but its kinda awesome"
Alpha Fuck this hellhole i'm glad i'm leaving this place. It's such a fucking piece of shit place and I hate it
Beta (33%) Nooooo I dont wanna leave, but summer agh, I'll miss u guys see you next year :)
Charlie (33%) Man this sucks having to leave school, ugh, oh well sweet I get to be back next year!

by H3 Wh0 Kn0s August 30, 2019