The forgotten Borough where you've gotten into arguments with people who think Long Island is the fifth borough. You refer to Manhattan as 'the city'. You call the ferry "the boat". You can name all four bridges. Denino's Pizza and Ralph's Ices are the best summertime treats ---and you will wait on line for 45 minutes just for a vanilla chip ice! You've gone sledding at Latourette. There is only one mall... and it's called 'the mall.' It takes you a half hour to get to your friend's house... and they live less than a mile away. You know it's Prince's Bay, not Princess Bay. You would never swim in the water here. At least one of your relatives is fluent in Italian.
You or someone you know has more than one matching velour sweat suits in their closet. You can smell the dump from your house but you're so used to the smell that you don't notice it anymore. You've gotten into a screaming match over a parking spot. Someone you know has a lifetime membership to Tanning Loft. Everyone you know claims to be 'connected.' You've hung out in a parking lot. You know the difference between Richmond Rd., Richmond Ave., and Richmond Terrace. You know that 'Mike' owns all the good diners. You refer to every highway on the island as 'The Expressway.' You've been cut off by a souped up Honda Accord with earth shaking bass playing. You have chased someone for cutting you off just to give them the finger. A development of townhouses has recently sprung up in your neighborhood. The shocks in your car are shot because you hit pot holes every 2 feet. You have the need to look at the people in the car next to you when stopped at a red light to see if it someone you know. You know never to walk on South Beaches sand with out Shoes. You've seen Method Man in the Mall at least once. The Monastery and Sea View aren't scary, just another place to drink. You own a North Face jacket. Everybody and their mother has a Nextel. You wave at the weird leg guy when you pass the North Shore, and sometimes he waves back.
In Staten Island even the guys get their eyebrows waxed.
1486๐ 322๐
Staten Island the fifth borough of nyc, its 13 miles long with almost 1/2 a million residents. Staten Island hosts one of the largest landfills in the world which is roughly 2200 acres in size. The entire shoreline is polluted and the Island is plauged with traffic and congestion.
Manhatten and Brooklyn are extreemly close to Staten as well as Jersey City so its difficult to get bored if you live here. The south shore and north shore differ in that the north shore is more urbanized then the south.
A lot of Staten Island residents have a heavy accent, when the Verrazano bridge went up many families from Brooklyn flooded the island. Access to the rest of the city is unique in that the train line ends in St George and you board a ferry boat that takes you to Manhatten. As you pass the statue of liberty and approach the city the view is awesome.
Staten Island is home of Wu.
Staten Island: Annadale, Arden Heights, Bay Terrace, Bulls Head, Castleton Corners, Clifton, Concord, Dongan Hills, Elm Park, Eltingville, Emerson Hill, Grant City, Grasmere, Great Kills, Greenridge, Grymes Hill, Huguenot, Mariners Harbor, Midland Beach, New Brighton, New Dorp, New Springville, Oakwood, Park Hill, Pleasant Plains, Port Richmond, Prince's Bay, Richmondtown, Rosebank, Rossville, South Beach, St. George, Stapleton, Todt Hill, Tompkinsville, Tottenville, Travis, Westerleigh, West New Brighton, Willowbrook.
sucker#1: y0 everyone from Staten Island hang out at the mall!
Sucker#2: Staten Island sucks cause it only got one trainline, whats up with that?
Sucker#3: Everyone from Staten Island is a punk wigger or gangster, but I never been there.
369๐ 146๐
A place where everybody from Brooklyn moves to.
633๐ 268๐
A borough of NYC.
Brooklyn with parking.
A place where, it seems, the majority of people (at least the ones who care to contribute to this website) cannot spell.
A place where I've lived most of my life(and my parents too), while I still manage to be educated, gainfully employed, accentless and of normal skin tone. There are a lot of us.
"Where are you from?"
"Staten Island"
"Wow, you don't sound like it.'
313๐ 132๐
A borough of New York city that's connected by the Verrazano through Brooklyn.
Most of the people who live on Staten Island are from Brooklyn and most are Italian. I live on the South Shore and alot of people here do own nice cars and possessions but that doesn't mean they dont work for them. I moved to Staten Island from a predominately Italian neighborhood in Brooklyn and its pretty similiar except things here are a little bit more separated which is a good thing, your not so on top of each other. But I keep hearing the same thing "all Staten Island is is slutty girls, spiky haired boys, tanning, and guidos." This is true for some people but not everyone, some people go tanning but you can't tell me that Staten Island's the only place where people go tanning, boys spike their hair but thats the trend here just like the trends there are in California or wherever. Some girls are slutty but that doesn't have anything to do with where we live it's just the way they are, there are slutty girls everywhere so you can't just blame that on here. And the main thing, Italians. Im Italian, I speak Italian, my family speaks Italian, I know alot about my Italian culture and so do all of the other kids on Staten Island that are Italian. Just because you show your culture doesn't mean you think your better than everyone else or that your showing off. The way we speak is not a Staten Island accent its a New York city accent. Growing up in Brooklyn and Staten Island I have a very heavy accent, it doesn't mean im stupid or incapable of intelligence it means that the place where I live affected the way I speak just like it does in other places like the South. Peoples perceptions of Staten Island are pretty much always negative and thats probably because some of the people who live here give it a negative reputation. Staten Island is actually a great place to live its located where the is more culture than you can imagine, its very populated for a small island but the houses and everything around it is nice, theres parks, boardwalks, museums, shopping and other things for the people here. I wouldnt reccomend coming here on vacation because its a place where there is not much to see but despite peoples opinions Staten Island is part of New York City just as much as Brooklyn,Queens, the Bronx, and the City (Manhatten). I would never move off of Staten Island even as an adult because it has that Brooklyn feel I grew up with with a little bit of the suburbs. If you ask me we got the best of both worlds.
189๐ 84๐
Staten Island, New York. One Of 5 Boroughs Of New York City.
South Shore, West Shore, East Shore, and North Shore. All Shores are Diffrent, West Shore is full of Highways and is Pretty Much isolated, South Shore has a huge Population of Italians. it is also Somewhat isolated. Most Car Accidents do Occur in The South Shore area Of Staten Island, East Shore, The Verazanno Bridge and the Staten Island Express. A Very Busy Area. With Most Residential Area. North Shore, People may say North Shore is filled with minorities. However the St. George area is Busy 24/7 With the Staten Island Ferry. it is a Residential are with majoriy of Low Imcome housing.
27๐ 10๐
A borough of New York City (Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island). People are obviously Exaggerating aspects of Staten Island. Yes there are rich kids, fake tans, and spikey hair but does every last person have that? NO. Yes people have an acccent, so do people from South Carolina, or Mexico, accents reflect where your from, so they're kind of good, otherwise we'd all talk the same monotone voice.
Staten Island is a borough of NYC
- people have accents, so do you
- some people are rich not everyone
- some boys spike their hair not everyone
76๐ 39๐