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Stealth Bomber

A stealth bomber is a shit so big that it touches the water in the toilet bowl before actually detaching itself from one's anus. The result is that the turd passes from A to B completely noiselessly and with total stealth.

"The gent's toilets were out of order so I was forced to use a cubicle in the ladies', I was that desperate. A few girls came in whilst I was in there, but luckily my shit was so big it was a stealth bomber. They didn't suspect a thing"

by fluorescent August 20, 2009

121๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stealth Bomber

A stealth bomber is a penis that is relatively small when soft, but upon being erected, the penis becomes massive. Stealth bomb owners generally surprise girls, with the enormous transformation in size.
They may not get the attention like the Lookers (big penises, but don't get bigger upon erection), but the girls like them just as much, if not more for being able to grow that much.

1.Did you hear about John, he stealth bombed Janet into a concussion last night.

2.Julie: Why are you wearing that patch?
Cindy: Justin and I were on the couch and I started playing with his dick
Julie: Oh wow, how big was it?
Cindy: At first it resembled a baby dick, then all of a sudden it grew 13 inches and viciously poked me in the retina.

3.Did you hear about FFumder? He's a stealth bomber.

by joehac January 18, 2007

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Stealth Bomber

Someone who breaks wind silently, and then moves out of the room before anyone notices.

What the...? Oh my god, do you smell that..? Who's the Stealth Bomber?!

by SchwarzerWind September 1, 2003

51๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stealth Bomber

While your girlfriend is sleeping, you crawl over her naked and proceed to shit on her while crawling.Then you quietly leave the room unseen.Thus the name "stealth" for doing it quietly and "bomber" for shitting.

My girl still doesnt know who gave her that stealth bomber.

by lilcloudy24 January 31, 2010

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Stealth Bomber

A stealth bomber is a rarely practiced sexual act in which one partner deficates into a camoflauge condom and ties it on the open end, thereby creating a semi rigid striking tool. The partners (or group, if so desired) then take turns striking each other in the face with the excrement-stuffed condom until it bursts.

"Bro, Cindy and I did the stealth bomber last night. I've got like 18 purple mushrooms on my face. At least my hair doesn't smell like shit though."

by Andy Felterbush January 12, 2010

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Stealth Bomber

When you don't pay attention or even talk to a girl at all the whole night at a party, and then after words you bang her.

At the party Jorge scouted out a hot blonde, but failed to even initiate a conversation with her the whole night. After the party came to a conclusion he texted her and she went home with him. The rest was history. She was a victim of the stealth bomber!

by rssss51 October 21, 2009

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Stealth Bomber

When you shit a floater into the toilet's hole under water, it rises to the roof, and you think WTF when you don't see it.

Chris: Dude, I took a hard shit yesterday, and when I looked into the toilet I didn't see anything.
Jared: What?
Chris: ....till I flushed it and saw that stealth bomber float up.

by Nymphetamine2791 February 17, 2010

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