A School that is filled with low lives, crackheads, white peoples saying nigger. We can’t even fight in this school SMH.
Have you heard of steam academy that school is shit
A school with these dumb ass teachers like the gym teacher not letting you do anything, the math teacher always failing you, the English teacher also always failing you, the earth science teacher “is it true do I care”. And these kids OMG don’t let me get started on these kids like how don’t you know that February has 28 days, how they don’t know how to use a computer, and how they always starting some shit cause they wanna fight.
No one: hey you know that school steam academy
Me: yea why
No one: yo that school is so trash you fail for no reason
Me: yea fuck that school lets go to MVHS
Worst school in Massachusetts!!! And worst school in the whole world! Full of fake bitches, Ugly ass people and dumbass speds! Don’t come here, It sucks :)
Jessica: Ugh that school Linden Steam Academy is so trash!
Kailey: I know right!
The school were outsiders think their smart but really their not a lot of shit has happened there and I would advise you not to there. They have weebs and people who make up lies to say they don’t go there.
Person 1: Do you go to Farmington STEAM Academy that school sucks
Person 2: no why would I go there it’s filled with people who are smart