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steel drum

An instrument believed to originate in Trinidad after WWII. Made from the hammered lid off an oil drum and creates different tones when struck.

He played the steel drum for visitors to the island.

by SeanMurface April 9, 2006

15👍 1👎

Steel Drums

Fake boobs. Breast implants. Especially ones way too large for the female body in which they inhabit.

"Whoa! Look at the steel drums on that babe!" "Nice rack"

by J_T_S August 3, 2005

3👍 7👎

Steel Tongue Drum

A variation of cunnilingus where you keep your tongue straight and hard like steel while she plays your head like a drum.

Me: Man, I had a strange experience last night while hooking up with that girl. Freddy: What happened? Me: As I was going down on her she started to play my head like a drum and told me to stiffen my tongue?! Freddy: Sounds like she loves to play the steel tongue drum!

by freddythef'r December 10, 2021

Back of the steel drums

Anal, especially in a band room or with instruments

"Bro, Sharon let me in the back of the steel drums last night!"

by Federal Felicia May 4, 2018