It's like that Good good like new vagina.
You've never seen a platinum vag. until Stephanie walks into the room everybody immediately has to put on sunglasses because it will definitely Damage your eyes from the Platinum status of it it's surprising She can even wear pants to be Honest because like any Normal scientific magnifying glass VS sun it will straight up Catch Your Heart on Fire and they will NEVER ever Want To Leave. so much so that even in the darkest days with no electricity they keep coming back for More If it wasn't for her unbelievable belly flab she wouldn't be able to ever go anywhere. People would have to have cataract surgery just to be in the same room with her it's that platinum.
Oh God here comes Stephanie with that platinum vag. everybody put your shades on it's about to get real bright.
Stephanie's pp is so platinum u can pretty much bank on it being top $ for tight ness.
Stephanie's pp: tight, bright, white