In the Aurora Universe known for it's beautiful Northern Lights there is a Reptilian Alien High Commander known as Stharzak. Just recently he tortured to death this Rodent Aliens two sons named Gaineza. In Gainezas honor his squadron captured Stharzak, tortured and castrated him. Now Stharzak is ignorantly blind with anger towards Gaineza and it's not even really his fault. This whole fiasco is called Stharzak Bogus, which could lead to Stharzak being impeached by all the Reptilians in all existences and times for not getting over this incident and being a ignorant baby about it, starting wars all the time over it, risking Reptilian lives. There is a rumor Lebron James could be the new Reptilian High Commander to take Stharzaks place
Don't be Stharzak Bogus bro, where your blinded by your anger and seem ignorant