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Stick or Twist

1. In the game of blackjack, “Stick or Twist” refers to the binary set of options presented to a player during the game. After a card or cards have been drawn, the player may choose to either stick with their current cards (standing) which would be “Sticking”, or they may choose to receive another card (hitting) which would be “Twisting.”

2. A phrase referring to one’s agency to either “cash in” and remain at their current level in life: or to sacrifice momentary satisfaction and work towards a greater level in life. The term is most commonly used within self-improvement circles.

1. “Shall you decide to stick or twist?”

“I think I’ll play it safe and stick.”

2. Alex went to a decent college, graduated and received his degree, and went into a stable career. In order to garner the respect and recognition of his social peers, he got a mortgage for a large home in a mediocre neighbourhood, purchased pricy clothing, a brand new mid-range car, and started a family with a woman he met in college, despite the fact that she leads a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle, argues with Alex daily, and cheated on him once in the past. Alex has little ability to progress past this point in his life, while having all the desire to. Alex chose to stick.

James also went to a decent college, graduated and received his degree, and went into a stable career. Sacrificing the respect and recognition from many of his peers, and intimacy from a relationship, James saved plenty while working, while spending long nights working on his own business. Money that could’ve gone towards a woman or family, or a mortgage on a big house, or expensive clothing, went into James’ passion project. Later on James’ business succeeds and he ends up purchasing a gorgeous home in a famed neighbourhood, all his dream cars and clothing, and is able to attract a high quality woman who constantly supports James and improves herself, while also being an excellent mother to their children. James chose to twist.


11👍 1👎

Stick or twist

When your in the club, you pull a girl early into the night and then comes the big decision wether to stick with that girl till closing time in the hope she puts out or to twist and try to find a better looking girl.

Calvin: "That girl I pulled at the bar has amazing blowy lips"

Gary: "She's a bit of a porker bro...stick or twist?"

Calvin: "Nah bro it's 2.30am I'm sticking"

by RouxRouxShikka October 21, 2014

21👍 7👎