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1) One of the most common brands of beer to be found in Austria.

2) A word which can be used to express one's feelings about a situation. The interpretation is largely subjective and can range from an expression of joy to an expression of remorse.

3) i. To screw someone over or short change someone (verb form).

ii. To be a person who regularly screws someone over or short changes people (noun form).


X: "What is the best Austrian beer you serve?"
Y: "It is Stiegl, you know? Stiegl is the best Austrian beer."


X: "Are you gonna go out tonight or what?"
Y: "No, man I think I'm just gonna stay in and watch a movie."
X: "That's lame, broski. You should come out and rage with us."
Y: "I know man it sucks. I have so much work to do tomorrow so I can't. My life is Stiegl, you know?"


X: "Hey do you wanna throw down for this drank we got?"
Y: "Nah man I'm good I threw down last night."
X: "Come on, man. Don't Stieg me like that."


X: "Hey do you wanna throw down for this drank we got?"
Y: "Nah man I'm good I threw down last night."
X: "Come on, man. Don't be a Stiegl."

by J.A. III December 17, 2010

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