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Struck out

1. When someone tries to do something, usually with multiple attempts, and fails

2. Leaving somewhere, usually with haste

"I tried to talk to the bartender but struck out"

"He struck out as soon as he heard the guy was coming that he owed money to"

by Nesta86 May 15, 2013

95👍 18👎

Struck out

When you try to get through the bases but it ends before 4th base

Guy 1: I got to second base with Julia last night but I struck out
Guy 2: Man that sucks

by Jeicex1 January 4, 2019

9👍 1👎

Struck Out Looking

When a person is too nervous to speak to the person they are attracted to.

Kevin: Did Marcus go home with that girl last night?
Ed: No. we were there for three hours and he struck out looking.

by HunkStudmann August 15, 2019

Struck out the Bank Account

Putting up a K. AKA putting up 1000 dollars in the bank.
A K means Kilo which means 1000. "Kilometer, Kilobyte"

In baseball when a person is struck out, the pitcher will receive a 'K' in the score books. They will also put up the letter 'K' on a sign usually in the outfield.

If you strike out your bank account you have put up a K which means putting 1000 dollars in your account.

Man: Man you've been working a lot.
Man2: I know but I just struck out the bank account again.
Man: I hear that, another $1000.

by SFB aka the hardcourt killa June 27, 2010

18👍 3👎