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Sub elitists

Scum. They hate the idea of people watching anime in English, no matter if the dub is good or not. They also most likely just watch a few seconds of a dub and immediately hate it because “ItS nOtHiNg LiKe ThE sUb!” They will say that anyone who watches the dub is retarded, braindead, have no taste, or that their opinion is wrong. They have no perception of the fact that either they have disabilities that make reading harder, are blind, or can’t focus on subtitles. Or the even bizarre fact that some people just prefer dubs because it’s their opinion.

Normal person: Did you actually like I dunno… actually watch the dub? It’s actually pretty golden with entertaining dialogue and the emotional scenes hit harder with the main protagonist actually sounding depressed as opposed to his sub counterpart.

by Duckos June 7, 2021

82👍 3👎

Sub elitist

Someone who is so disliked in their average, everyday life by other English speakers that the idea of hearing anime characters speaking English makes their pathetic micropenises tremble with discontent. Arguments for this mindset from such 'people' consist of the following:
1. "It doesn't sound as emotional as the sub." - Nonsense, since it's way easier to feel the emotional weight of a line when it's in a language you speak. Stating otherwise is mongoloidism of the lowest order.
2. "Some of it doesn't translate well." - That's why they change the original line to something more translatable i.e. changing a Japanese pun to an English one. Literally inaccurate.
3. "It's just my personal taste." - That's fine. Just don't make objective arguments when it's your subjective opinion.

The Sub Elitist Virgin
The Sub Preferrer Chad
The Dub Preferrer Chad
The 'Likes Both' Lad

by Dankulous Memeulon October 6, 2021

68👍 4👎

Anime Sub Elitist

Very hypocritical people that think every dub anime is trash when they haven’t even seen the whole dub. They also call other people dumb or retarded if they mention anything positive about dub anime.

Idiot Anime Sub Elitist: Ewwww why do you watch dub anime, watch sub anime cause it’s better

Normal Person: Ummm it’s literally my preference, i can watch anime however i want to watch it

by Manwhore55 November 25, 2021

61👍 4👎