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Sucking on your own dick

1. Excessive talking and admiration of your own point of view that you really don’t listen to, or try to really understand, a word someone of a different point of view is saying.
2. Not listening to someone, but going on and on about your opinion and pursuits after they’ve told you they’re not interested, they don’t care, or they don’t know.

1. Jerk: “This character sure flies into a murderous rage when called to account for his politicization of every topic, doesn't he? I'll not let his, and his far-left ilk, continue to use this tactic of ‘fire and run’ anymore. These Anti-Liberty leftists are ready for battle when someone calls them on their obvious bullshit. It won't be good for them, in the end.
Oh...and I love how this poor, put-upon liberal snowflake, threw-in how my comment about his political rant about our environment was "Racist!"
Racist??? Hahahaha. How does this boob think that I'm the one trying to make him look bad, when this fool does it soooo well himself. Does he really think that anyone would take ANY OF HIS INPUT seriously after such a victim statement like that?
TRY HARDER… please…”

Other guy: “Hahahaha...you know, I was just wondering when you were going to stop sucking on your own dick and actually try and understand what I’m really saying!”

2. Girl finally getting a word in, after listening to a guy go on and on about his ex-girlfriend who happens to be her friend, and how his ex is a slut for dumping him, not realizing it’s his own damn fault she dumped him.

blah, blah, blah, blah…bitch…
blah, blah, blah, blah…slut
blah blah, blah, blah,…whore…”

“You know, I was just thinking to myself, how long you were going to go on sucking on your own dick?”

by nutsydriveyou7 June 12, 2017

9👍 6👎

Suck your own dick

When a person constantly brags and/or talks about themselves to anyone within earshot.

DeeDee: Did you have fun at the bar last night with Danny?

NJ: Eh, I couldn't really get a word in because he just sucked his own dick the whole time.

DeeDee: What! I didn't know you could suck your own dick.

NJ: I just mean he wouldn't talk about anything except for how cool he is. I don't care how many famous people he hangs out with or how many parties he gets invited to, but that's all he cares about.

by Bratarle January 9, 2014

42👍 5👎

Sucking your own dick

What you're doing when you create a definition for your own name.

Dylan: "I just defined 'Dylan' as 'Cool friend and huge lady's man' on Urban Dictionary!"
Steven: "Quit sucking your own dick. Who the fuck invited you, anyway?"

by Kiro Osex XIII July 4, 2016

18👍 8👎