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sugar water

A cheap sugary drink, like Kool-Aid or Faygo

Friend 1: Dude can you get me a coke?
Friend 2: Naw man, only got 60c, I can get you some sugar water though

by themagnificentstarfish March 29, 2016

25πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

sugar water

A drink enjoyed in the ghettos of the Dirty South while growing up. It is sugar mixed with water. Often drank while enjoying a mayonnaise sandwich.

Dawg Bo, I'm thirstier than a mutha fucka...hit me up wit some sugar water fo sho!

by Dirty January 3, 2004

138πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Sugar water

Sugar water is a potent drug,made from mixing water and sugar in a cup.
*dont drink too much

Epic games overdosed on sugar water,thats why fortnite it going down hill

by Sugar water addict November 17, 2018

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Sugar Water

A term used to describe 87 gas. Usually has the highest concentration of lead, and is the cheapest.

You still riding ol' Betsy on the sugar water.
Nah I upgraded to some concentrate.

by LiezureSuitLarry August 27, 2010

16πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

sugar water braids

Sugar water braids are a very cheap messy version of Beyonce's lemonade braids

Ex: 1 I am not paying $150 dollars for these nasty, messy ass sugar water braids.

Ex: 2 Do not go to Sasha's salon for lemonade braids because they come out with out the lemon. They come out as sugar water braids. Them shit are ugly as fuck.

by Fara✨ July 11, 2017

Sugar water

A great mix for feeding hummingbirds.

Also great when creating sweet sticky syrup to cover your enemies in.
Easily created with 1/2 sugar (any kinds) and 1/2 water (Tap is fine)

Heat for 13 minute’s time, pour the mixture on anyone Un-KIND!


Fairy 1: Just heat it up for 13 minutes,

stir the mixture til it’s finished.

Fairy 2: Sugar water, what a treat!

Toss it on your enemy!

The funny children who have been abused: 🐝 🍯 πŸ€ͺπŸ˜ΉπŸ™€πŸ˜ΌπŸ˜ΈπŸ˜» yay!!! Sugar syrup! Caramel! We want Willy Wonka now!!

by Whatsit2yaa May 5, 2022

sugar cube water

When your sister asks you what yo want to drink, you mean choccy milk, but then say "sugar cube water" just to be an annoying little brother.

(Sister: preparing supper) "what do you want to drink?

(Me) "sugar cube water"

(sister) JErk

by xXanonymousleoXx June 26, 2022