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Some guy who insulted me for making a definition from my experience at a school, calling me a jackass

I will now try to rebuttal his definition,

First off, I've been a student of Mr Christian for almost 3 years now and he can be rude to me for no reason, I know there's no way to prove it but I have been well behaved in most of his classes.

Second, Ms Vaccaro was not an ESOL teacher when I had her, she was a Lit Comp. teacher when she taught my class, not to mention I had her for Social Studies, so no, I am not an out of country student.

Third, yeah, that Dr Usry bit may have been a bit too rude, I never had any experiences with him and only got that info due to many of my friends talking bad about him when they did something simple, example: friend got yelled at for not being able to open the door for him, he asked him, in a rude tone, "Do you even know how to open a door?" and yelled at another friend for walking on the grass instead of sidewalk.

Fourth, the teacher part also might've been an exaggeration, most of them are indeed nice, however some are just people who shouldn't be working at a middle school for Christ's sake.

Plus, that definition was also done by a student from there, my experience was and still is alright at best, I never was an asshole to anyone including staff or teacher, again, no way of proving this is true but if you knew me in real life you would probably just not notice me at all in your classes.

Me: Looks up to see my definition of Dean Rusk Middle School
Me: Sees Sukoi's definition
Me: "Well that was a bit rude."

by TheHolocaustSurvivor December 3, 2019

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