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sulfur dick

When your dick is so dank it smells like sulfur and/or tastes like sulfur. Often developed through poor hygiene or sweat from busting your ass after a long hard day of work.

Boyfriend: Baby I know I worked all day but I need a blow job.

Girlfriend: Okay Daddy let me get that dick.

Boyfriend: Takes dick out and BAM!

Girlfriend: ewww babe you have sulfur dick.

by Uncutking69 December 26, 2020

Sulfuric Acid

The thing that people want to dip their balls into

"Should i dip my balls into sulfuric acid?"

by Obaminomicon April 19, 2022

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Sulfur balls

When you take a shower and forget to wash your balls so they smell like sulfur. Often developed through extended poor hygiene habits. Similar to sulfur dick.

Boyfriend: Hey babe, can you suck on my balls while I beat my meat?
Girlfriend: YEAH Daddy I love sucking on your balls.
Boyfriend: Unzips pants, pulls pants down and BAM!
Girlfriend: Daddy I just can’t cause you have sulfur balls.

by Uncutking69 January 12, 2021

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sulfur hexafluoride

A very dense, inert, non-toxic gas that is much heavier than air and used in the electrical industry as an insulating gas. If you inhale it, it would make your voice sound like Satan, i.e. really deep. This is because sound travels through this gas slower than it does through air.

When the science teacher demonstrated how sound travels differently through different gasses by inhaling helium and sulfur hexafluoride respectfully, he began to talk like a chipmunk and then like Darth Vader.

Justin Bieber inhaling sulfur hexafluoride would probably result in his voice sounding like a normal maturing teenage boy's voice, rather than like a little girl's.

by Terminus_Est September 29, 2012

sulfur fart

when you fart and it smells like someone lit a match.

Did someone lite a match. No that was my sulfur fart.

by perpetualwank January 3, 2014

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Sulfur Burps

Terrible indigestion caused by bad food; particularly cafeteria eggs. Foul belches, reeking of sulfur, taste and smell as if the emitter had eaten a few handfuls of match heads. Radius of the stench from the emitter ranges anywhere between 20-100 feet, with a dissipation time of about 20-30 minutes (depending on the surrounding environment- longer dissipation time indoors and near fabric). Sulfur Burps works it's way down the digestive tract, resulting in Sulfur Farts, before clearing up over the course of 1-3 days. Sulfur Farts typically occur simultaneously with Sulfur Burps, so the end of this affliction is doubly wretched and embarrassing.

Jane- "I heard Chris burp in the breakroom and now it smells like Hell in there!"

Tom- "Yeah. He came down with a bad case of the Sulfur Burps..."

by Rezinbol January 5, 2008

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Sulfuric Acid

Something that you really shouldnt drink.

It will melt down anything it touches and kill you in the process.

Holy shit dude, that guy made a video drinking sulfuric acid and died!

by MrKelpy July 27, 2019

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