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Super Super

A person who is highly skilled in Card gaming, or any Role Playing game, that is complete with overweight or highly thin, pony tail or any long hair, glasses, acne, watches anime, and has no sense of any style other than that Magician Girl that he had just played.

Look who stepped in to get a new Unlimited Mage card, a Super Super

by g0tm0de March 6, 2008

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Super - Super

A loser who's above the age of 15 who collects and distributes Yu-Gi-Oh Cards, Magic Cards, or any role-playing trading card game freaks who wear cargo shorts. They are stinky, ugly, some really huge who wears glasses and a ponytail. Still lives with their mom. Looks like the age of 30 and still plays kiddy games. And is very very... VERY stubborn when a conversation about games has come up. All watch anime and hentai for their pleasures...

Dude... Look.. That Super - Super is in the Hentai Section

by Kalluhskrillyuh October 10, 2007

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Super Super Straight

So Straight Straighter the *Super Straight* You can kiss the homies without it being gay!

Justiny: "Yooo Joey You like Being Gangster dont you"

Joey: "Nah bro just fucking kiss me am super super straight"

Justiny: " No your a Gangster"

by ToxicG065 March 10, 2021

19πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Super Super Straight

A sexual preference in which one prefers every sex. The Super Super Straight flag consists of orange and black:🟧 ⬛️

One, who is better in every are of life, specially in sex (What ainΒ΄t hard, since Super Straight people are virgins) than Super Straight people. Super Super Straight people can fuck who ever s/he want`s, except stupid people.

Guy 1: I would not date that stupid bitch.
Guy 2: But I thought you are Super Straight?
Guy 1: No, I’m Super Super Straight.

by whiteultramale March 9, 2021

18πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Super Super Straight

A man who is only attracted to females who are born females, and those females are attracted to males who were also born male.

Guy 1: Hey do you like women who like trans men?
Guy 2: Hell to the fuck no, i’m super super straight

by Otpurzid March 8, 2021

18πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

super super supernatural

above super supernatural

"thats natural"
"no thats supernatural"
"no its super supernatural"
"actually i think its super super supernatural"

by ajdunn June 20, 2007

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Super Super Omega Cereal

When you are really really cereal its not funny

1.Dude I danced with that girl last night!
2.You did not!

by Danny Phantom March 30, 2008

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž