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Superteam (NBA)

Already established All Star players coming together to a team to form a super team.

Usually requires 2 or more players to join in with another to form 3 All star players superteam (NBA).

Super team does not have to be good in game, they have to be good on paper.

Lakers in 2008 were not a super team, Pau Gasol joined Kobe Bryant and both were All Stars, but no one else until Bynum matured into All Star in 2012, Bynum was on Lakers team since 2005, not a superteam (NBA).

Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen joined Pau Pierce in Boston Celtics - 2007(Rondo still was not an All Star)
Lebron James and Chris Bosh joining Dwayne Wade in Miami Heat - 2010
Dwight Howard and Steve Nash(Antawn Jamison to some extent) joining Kobe Bryant in LA. Lakers - 2012.
Lebron James and Kevin Love joining Kyrie Irving in Cleveland Cavaliers - 2014

Already established All Star players coming together to a team to form a super team.

by nbastickoll May 29, 2018

8👍 8👎