Source Code

Swing Pong

Phenonmenom in Fly In-Fly Out mining operations where two opposing swings try to mine the same orebody with different teams, ideas, hopes and dreams.
Every swing, a goodly amount of time and effort is spent progressing the recalcitrant teams direction and vision only to have the recidivist swing come in, ignore it, work on their own plan and hand it over to the the recalcitrant team a week later.

This game can be played ad infinitum.

Recidivist Crew - "We have to mine lots of Ore this week"
Recalcitrant Crew - "We have to mine lots of Waste this week beacuse those imbeciles from the other swing mined all the Ore and we have to move the Waste"
Recidivist Crew - "We have to mine lots of Ore this week beacuse those imbeciles from the other swing mined all the Waste and we have to move the Ore - looks like we got us a game of Swing Pong"


by Frustrated miner December 19, 2009