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Swipin' and Gripin'

What too many people do when they online date--complain. And they have no clue that all the other swiper and gripers are saying the same thing about them.

Jennifer--All the guys on this site on such liars and all they want is a hookup. Look at Rick here. That picture is so old. Why do they think I care what car they drive? Hey, what year is that Beemer? Do you think it's leased? Mmmm...looks like he lives on the Bay...
April--Stop your swipin' and gripin'. You been on that UnhingedPlentyofBumLames site for six months. Two boob jobs later and and you're still cashing your ex's checks so now he can't afford his Porsche lease anymore.
Jennifer--Whatever, I'm so over him, he was such a narcissist. Want me to see if Rick has a friend?

by The Original Tankboy January 1, 2020