An equation that tells you exactly how many beers you would need to drink to make a conscious decision to sleep with a girl. Person using the equation must be sober.
10 - X = # of beers
where '10' is the maximum 'hotness' score a girl can recieve, 'X' is the score given to the girl (1-10). The subtraction yields the number of beers one needs to consume.
*note: a beer can also be replaced by a 1oz. shot or mixed drink equivalent to one ounce of alcohol (40% or greater)
(taking place at local bar/club/party)
GUY1: Hey man what do you think of that girl over by the bar?
GUY2: Man, I'd give her a 4 outta 10
GUY1: Yea she does look pretty beat. Well according to the Sylvester Equation I'm gunna need 6 beers before I try to get any.