Source Code


Transmission control protocol

One of the major protocols used in sending information through the Internet.

Much more secure and reliable than the other major protocol, UDP.
However, UDP is faster and therefore is used more with games and streaming. TCP is used for everything else, and if often referred to as TCP/IP, since it is so common.

Without TCP, our websites would be loaded with errors and missing data half the time.

by sharks445 February 21, 2015

19👍 3👎


group called the Town Center Pongers that originated in Las Vegas in the year 2007

TCP runs the streets!

by Nicholas Humperdink June 12, 2008

26👍 35👎


A girl who's very beautiful,gorgeous,pretty and hot,has a very sexy body figure is a very nice friend and someone who is filled with forgiveness and humor.If you have a "TCP" in your life hold on to her tied as they are hard to fine and once you have them they are your 4lifer


by Pripriya March 17, 2022

5👍 5👎


Traffic Control Person : the guy with the "stop-slow" paddle , around the construction sites or excavating areas . Usually wearing lime-green outfits .

I know a good TCP guy from this company .

by MiBeIoTiGiDoDaGi May 26, 2014

3👍 9👎


Teg Clutch Popper. Dumping the clutch on your friends Integra.

If you need to check if your clutch is still grabbing, give your car to a TCP.

by Steeka King March 8, 2007

8👍 81👎


A species known for being allergic to:

- daylight
- hardware beeps
- real life encounters
- food of demonstrable organic origin

I tried to start a conversation not knowing they were TCP/IPeoples

by UrbanSavage October 26, 2010

2👍 1👎


According to JerkCity comic number 486, a transporty layer designed specifically for porn/gayness/etc.

What is TCP/IP used for? Porn and gayness, mostly.

by Shard April 15, 2005

15👍 73👎