Source Code

Teh Ghey

Phrase origination: 'That's Gay'.

'Teh Ghey', is an Internet slang-based phrase, used to express dislike for something, someplace, or something.

'Teh Ghey' has nothing to do with homosexuals/gay people, although some people seem to think so.

"iPods are teh ghey."

"iTunes are teh ghey."

"That movie I went to see last night was teh ghey."

"Trish is annoying. Everything she talks about is teh ghey!!"

by UberN00b January 21, 2005

296👍 176👎

Teh Ghey

Homosexuality, as equated with disease, mental illness etc. Used mostly to satirize ignorant people who actually consider homosexuality to be a disease or mental illness.

"Those god-damn lib-ruls want to infect our children with TEH GHEY!!!"

by eeeeeee July 2, 2006

145👍 154👎

teh ghey

Common internet slang using an intentional misspelling of "the" and "gay" and used primarily to indicate that something is gay or unmanly. Alternately used to mock those who treat homosexuality as a disease which can be contracted by contact with homosexuals or even exposure to their culture.

"Soccer is teh ghey."

"If you let your children watch Will & Grace it will make them teh ghey."

by Sybarite May 11, 2006

183👍 121👎

teh ghey

Insulting name for G-Unit's newest member, The Game.

"Teh Ghey's album was wack!"
"I hate Teh Gay!"
"I wish Dre would stop hookin up Teh Ghey with wack beats"

by Crazy_Bin May 21, 2005

49👍 180👎

I am teh ghey sexy

This is a modern day internet mockup overly used by teenagers, and some nerds. It implies a slight tongue in cheek remark relating to a persons own sexuality whilst at the same time mis-spelling the word ''the'' and changing it to ''teh''.

When first looked upon, it may look as though a person is stating abuot themselves that they are:

1. Gay
2. Sexy

When infact they are just showing their ability to laugh at themselves and act in a ''homo-erotic'' manner of somesort. It is widely used across message boards and whatnot.

Mullan: Im taller than you so I win.......
Dave: But I am teh ghey sexy
Mullan: {eyes_back_and_forwards_smilie}

by Danny McD-Thomas December 11, 2004

38👍 90👎