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the back of the class

In the back of the class, students can do what they want. You can eat, cook, drink, brew, play games, draw, make the next hit song, get a fade and chat with your neighour.

But, its hard to stay focused in the back of the class since you can do all these things that are more entertaining then paying attention. So you’ll probably need an IQ above 130 to be able to pass while sitting in the back of the class.

Jake: How are we going to give the teacher a portait for christmas?
Arthur: Don’t worry, simon will make it during the last period, he sits in the back of the class.

by the consular January 16, 2022

kids at the back of the class

Kids at the back of the class are litterly so good they don't get noticed and the can do everything they want

" the kids at the back of the class are complete baddies "

by Mr. Alli the girl and man May 27, 2022

2👍 6👎

Get yo behind back to class

What kids of higher grades say to lower grade kids when walking through the hall to the next class.

*6th grader walks through hall without pass.
*8th grader replies "Get yo behind back to class"

by That kid! January 23, 2012